Monday, January 26, 2009

More Comics!

This was a comic that I worked on with Tyler Darden, art director extraordinaire at Virginia Living Magazine and Don Harrison, local writer, journalist, blogger and all round funny guy.
Yes we did this a few years ago, 3 to be exact. Wow, it's been that long? Time flies. So the time's just right for this post. It was done for the June 2006 issue to coincide with the 400th year anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. Our intention was to showcase the side of the story that had until then had been shoved under the bed, pushed to the back of the closet, hidden under the rug. We tried to imbue it with the sensibility of the very early Mad Magazine, the 
Harvey Kurtzman - Will Elder Mad Magazine. It's doubtful we attained our goal but we had a lot of fun trying.

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